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Hekate – Spinner of Fate .


Hekate – Spinner of Fate .

The Greek goddess Hekate is perhaps best known as a goddess of crossroads, witchcraft, and the restless dead, but she is a complicated goddess. In Late Antiquity, she was understood by some theurgists to be the soul of the world itself. In Greek and Roman Egypt, she became syncretised with the lunar deity Selene, and was in this role understood to be closely linked to the Moirai, the Fates, who answered to her. One of Hekate’s titles in the Greek Magical Papyri was Spinner of Fate.

It is as the Spinner of Fate she appears here, in both human and animal form. Hekate is often depicted as a triple goddess, and sometimes has two non-human heads. They are usually a wolf or a dog and a cow or a goat.

Hekate was painted in gouache on cold press water colour paper. The moon was made from silver leaf.

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November 2020

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